Thursday, February 18, 2010

Outrageous Fortune Live in Concert Feb 28th @ 2:00pm

Join us on Feb. 28th at 2:00pm in the Tarbell for a great concert! Outrageous Fortune is a Boston-based jug band that blends jazz, folk and blues into one great sound.
Sponsored by the Friends of the Lincoln Library.
for more information and a sampling of the band's sound check out

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Kids book discussion groups

If you're in grades 3-5 you are in luck! we're starting our Winter book discussion groups!
Grades 3: February 25 Fantastic Mr. Fox by Roald Dahl (has anyone seen the movie) now you can read the book & talk about it with your friends!
Grades 4 &5 : March 4: Masterpiece by Elise Broach
Copies will be available of both books at the children's desk 2 weeks prior to the meetings
No sign up is necessary. Snacks & drinks will be provided.
Come to a session! a really fun way to share your reading with other kids.

Presidents Day

The Library will be closed on Monday Feb. 15th in honor of Presidents Day. Have a safe and hopefully snow free long weekend (p.s. the last is just my own personal statement -- for all the skiers out there I hope it snows just for you all!)
Also have a wonderful Valentine's Day (with lots of candy)

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Upgrade of Wi-Fi

The Library has recently upgraded it's wireless network! It should allow patrons to connect their laptop or other mobile devices to the Internet without using any cables! I'm not a real technie so I'm not going to go into any details (because I really don't understand them). User's should know that there is no security or firewalls for WiFi at the Library. Also our Internet policy will be displayed when you sign on, so please follow appropriate rules for Internet usages. The upgrade was made possible with the help of the town's Information Technology Department.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Cargivers Time-Out

In conjunction with the Lincoln Council on Aging a caregivers support group will be meeting at the library on the 1st & 2nd Thursday of the month from 9:15-10:30 am. The first meeting of the month will feature a speaker, the second will be an informal discussion on any topic of interest. Come and see what support services are available for caregivers.