Thursday, March 25, 2010

Peter Fletcher Live in Concert March 28th at 2:00pm Tarbell Room

Join us for a lovely afternoon of classical guitar music. Peter Fletcher has performed throughout the United States, most recently at Carnegie Hall! For more information on Mr. Fletcher including his biography and discography please visit his website at Sponsored by the Friends of the Lincoln Library. Come early because I can guarantee that this will be a very popular program!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Next Reads

Unsure what to read?
The library subscribes to an e newsletter which you might find helpful. It's called Next Reads. Once a month a newsletter is sent out to your email, it has a brief description of the books which you might find interesting. There are 22 different Next read newsletters ranging from mystery, historical fiction to travel and adventure. I personally subscribe to the mystery & historical fiction newsletters. I can tell you that each month I find at least one title that I had never heard of before, what's great you can link to the MLN catalog from the newsletter and reserve the book. If Lincoln doesn't own the item you can request it from another library! I also like that they include older titles as well as new items, this is a great way to catch up on items you may have missed.
So check out Next Reads, there is a link from our web page to sign up.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Hank Phillippi Ryan March 8th 7:00pm

Local investigative reporter Hank Phillippi Ryan will be wearing her other hat (Sherlock Holmes style) when she talks about her mystery series featuring Charlotte "Charlie" McNally.
Ms. Ryan won the Agatha for Best First Mystery Novel!
Her newest book Drive Time was published in February. Should be an exciting night for mystery lovers!
for more information please visit Ms. Ryan's website at