Thursday, September 23, 2010

Jeanne Bracken's Farwell Party

Jeanne our wonderful reference librarian has retired after 17 years at the library!
Come join us as we wish Jeanne a great retirement!
Sunday October 3rd 1:30-3:30pm
Cake! Punch! Limerick Contest! (write a limerick about Jeanne that can be read aloud to her!)
...And a special surprise honor for Jeanne!
For more information contact either esisco or bmyles Monetary donations are welcome

Thursday, September 16, 2010


Well I guess it's official Summer is over -- the reason I can tell is that the Lincoln Library's fall brochure has been put in the mail. Every household in Lincoln should be getting one within the next day or so -- if you can't wait check out our website for all the Fall programs! I guarantee that there is a program for everyone at the library.
For history buffs a new book group is forming -- it's held at Minute Man National Park
For kids there are book groups, story hours and special programs for all ages (from babies to teenagers!)
We also have our very popular book groups (Mystery Monday continues with Jeanne Bracken post retirement!!!). Our Friday book group is doing "Animal, Vegetable and Mineral" Theme this year .
So stop by the library and "check out" what's happening.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Changes at the library

This week marks the unofficial end of summer and here at the library we are also marking a huge
change. Jeanne Bracken our wonderful reference librarian has decided to retire after 17 years!
It's hard to imagine the reference room without her! The staff is all going to miss her (as well as
the Lincoln library's patrons!)
At the same time we are saying good bye to Jeanne we are also saying hello to the new reference
Laura Paryl.
Jeanne's last day is tomorrow! Stop bye and say hi and goodbye!